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This section will cover how to add or edit pages on the wiki.

Please use the Github Markdown flavour for your Markdown files.

Please look at other pages to see how they are formatted, and for examples of how to use Markdown.

Adding a Page

To add a page, you will need to create a new Markdown file in the vitepress/docs/src/pages folder. The file name will be the URL of the page. For example, if you create a file called, the URL will be


You can also create sub-directories in the vitepress/docs/src/pages folder. For example, if you create a file called in a folder called my_folder, the URL will be

This is useful for organizing pages into categories.

Adding a Page to the Sidebar

To add a page to the sidebar, you will need to add the page to the vitepress/docs/src/custom/theme/index.js file.

To do this, you will need to add the page to the sidebar object.

For example, if you want to add a page called to the sidebar, you will need to add the following to the sidebar object:

    text: "Getting Started", // The category that will appear in the sidebar
    collapsible: true, // Whether or not the category can be collapsed
    items: [ // The pages in the category
        { text: "Introduction", link: "/gettingStarted/basicsOfProgramming" },
        { text: "Buyers Guide", link: "/gettingStarted/arduinobuyersguide" },
        { text: "My Page", link: "/my_page/my_page" }, // Add this line - subdir then file


The link property does not require a file extension. Please do not add it.

Title Style

The title style is the style of the title that appears at the top of the page.

We like to keep this cohesive, so please use the following style:

# My Page {.text-[#e67e22] }

This will give the title a nice orange colour.

The {} are required, and the .text-[#e67e22] is the colour using TailWindCSS classes. You can change this to any colour you like, but please keep it consistent with the rest of the site.


This entire site supports TailWindCSS classes. You can find the documentation here.

All classes you wish to add, must be prefaced with a . when inside of the {}.

When using classes on HTML elements, you can use the class attribute. For example:

<h1 class="text-[#e67e22]">My Page</h1>

Editing a Page

To edit a page, you will need to edit the Markdown file in the vitepress/docs/src/pages folder.

Released under the MIT License.